Why I Support Trump

Why I Support Trump

NOTE: This article lays out the most important reasons why I voted for Trump in 2024. If you’re a seasoned veteran of the RISE TRIBE and/or a supporter of Trump, the information in this article is probably not new to you. However, if you have people in your life who could benefit from reading this, by all means please share! This began as a facebook post that got way too long to actually post. So I decided to turn it into a blog post instead, to share with some people in my life who I care about and might want to know my thoughts on this most important matter. -Adrian

Data on Criminal Convictions of Illegal Migrants Released into US as of 7.21.24

The establishment behind the Biden/Harris administration has had 4 years now to show us what they’re really about, what a vote for them buys you. Ask yourself if you feel better off after these last 4 years, and whether you can afford another 4 heading down this path? It’s been a whirlwind of economic destruction, skyrocketing inflation, unaffordable grocery prices and living expenses, rising crime rates, the opening of our country’s border, botched military operations and disaster relief efforts, and escalating war. We’re less prosperous and less safe as a country, by every measure, than we’ve ever been. Recently ICE admitted they were forced to release over 425,000 CONVICTED criminals into our country including over 13,000 murderers, and have lost track of over 320,000 children now missing and presumed dead (or worse). This sounds too insane to believe, I know. But please, check out my sources for yourself. Nothing but more of this is looming on the horizon. It’s not even something the Harris Campaign seems to be disputing. They’re just running on “change” as if Harris/Walz will be better or different than Biden/Harris.

This isn’t a left vs. right issue, not anymore. Prior to 2016, the Republican administrations have been no different. They have the same agenda just without the “woke” facade. George Bush = Clinton = Romney = McCain = Obama = Cheney = Biden = Establishment. Trump is the only true outlier. We need real change if we’re to avoid the inevitable WW3, full economic collapse scenario we seem to be careening towards if the establishment has their way. Trump is the first President who’s been different. He’s the first to not enter us into any new wars, who’s proven himself willing and able to stand up to the old guard “Uniparty” swamp in DC and Brussels, and fight for the people. He’s the first president to not take a salary and who walked away from office worth Billions of dollars less than when he began. He’s the first to make major headway in pursuit of peace in the Middle East with the Abraham Accords, which is an essential piece of this puzzle.

Peace can only come through strength; and weakness only beckons war. True strength doesn’t need to be proven, it’s implicit. Strength is calm and confident, assertive yet considerate. Weakness takes many forms, like insecurity for example, which can manifest as an overcompensation to one’s perceived weakness that is highly confrontational and dangerous. The truth is that the establishment benefits from confrontation and war, especially the Military Industrial Complex. This is why they seek out weak people like Biden or Kamala, and elevate them undeservingly to leadership positions that’ll ensure it’s thoroughly stoked. Not to mention that the weaker a leader is, of mind or heart, the easier they are to control. The establishment’s allegiance is not to the American people, it’s to global special interests who see the United States as an obstacle in many ways. They’re on both sides of the isle. The political left in DC is completely controlled by it, and the right is full of people subservient to it. There’s a really easy way to tell if they’re establishment at this point… do they hate Trump? If so, then chances are they’re a part of the establishment. It’s that simple. I’m not talking about regular people who hate Trump, I’m talking about people in DC, Wall Street, the media, the military industrial complex, Hollywood, etc. The establishment hates Trump. That’s why I support him.

Kamala Harris has united the entire establishment behind her, people like Darth Vader himself Dick Cheney and Liz Cheney, Bill Gates (who donated 50 million to her campaign), John Brennan (the sociopathic former head of CIA who weaponized the agency against American citizens), Goldman Sachs, the IRS have all given Harris their full endorsement of which she’s proudly accepted. And on top of that you have all the shittiest people in Hollywood endorsing her, the P. Diddy types who deserve none of our respect or admiration. Just watch Jennifer Lopez doing a poor job at pretending to cry at the Kamala rally the other day. Here we have a woman who dated P.Diddy, a known serial rapist, woman-beating, pedophile, extortion artist for 3+ years, who’s notorious for her disdain of common people, lecturing us about “morality”. These endorsements should tell you everything you need to know about who she is and what she represents. These types don’t care if she’s up for the job or not, as long as she’s not Trump. If she ends up destroying what’s left of this country, they won’t have to know the pain of being unable to afford groceries, or being left to completely fend for themself after a hurricane destroys their town or a criminal illegal migrant gang takes over their apartment complex, or being forced to eat food that’s full of toxic chemicals that are banned in other countries, because that’s all their EBT card will cover. They don’t care about us. That’s fine with them, as long as Trump’s not president, because he’s the only person they’re threatened by. Ask yourself “why?”.

If you think Trump is only working for his own interests, please consider this with an open heart. The man has been putting his life on the line to do this, quite literally. He took a bullet, gets dragged through the mud with endless, frivolous law-fare and persecution, and hasn’t backed down. That’s a fearlessness that comes from a higher sense of purpose that can’t be faked. People only in it for themselves would never put their life on the line for it, because that wouldn’t make any sense. Self-preservation is the most fundamental form of selfishness there is. So what would be the point of risking your life, taking a bullet for something you were only doing for selfish reasons or for money that you already have more of than you could ever spend? At the very least, that would be the last straw. The second you get shot, anyone in it for dishonest reasons says “Okay that’s it, not worth it. I’m out.” Not to mention, if you’re only in it for selfish reasons or for money, then you can easily be bought by the establishment who has all the money and self-serving incentives in the world to offer you in exchange for your allegiance (the kind of incentives that politicians like Biden and Harris are easily bought and controlled by, when politics is their only bread and butter) and you don’t have to deal with the kind of overwhelming opposition from the machine he’s constantly up against. It’s obvious to anyone who’s honestly assessing it.

Trump 2024 // #EVILFREELIFE

Caught On Camera: MSNBC Producer says they're making viewers "dumber over the years"

Trump is an outsider and they’ve made that 100% clear. He consistently demonstrates in his actions that he’s a pro-human, pro-humanity, man of peace who genuinely wants what’s best for all American people. He’s proven it. I’m sorry if you can’t see that yet, but I’m confident that one day you will and history will reflect that unequivocally. Chances are, everything you’ve come to believe about him to the contrary is based on information that’s been filtered down to you from dishonest sources who don’t report on him honestly or fairly. Ever. The mainstream media (even Fox News) has an Anti-Trump, pro-establishment agenda at it’s core. They are willing to lie and deceive at any cost to achieve that agenda, and it’s far worse than people can even imagine. For instance, one of the producers at MSNBC was recently caught on camera admitting that they’ve been making their audience “dumber over the years” and “brainwashed”. That’s insane.

Don’t just trust what you’ve been told by biased sources when it comes to Trump. The stakes are too high. You have to find out for yourself. Everyone who really looks into it ends up waking up and realizing that they’ve been lied to, and it can only be for very insidious reasons. If you haven’t been through it then you would probably never believe me but I promise you, that’s the truth. If you’re interested in finding out for yourself, I’d challenge you to watch this movie ‘Time of Deceit’ on Rumble. It does a brilliant job breaking down the facts for you to make your own decision, not just about the bad things they claim Trump has done and said but about some of the remarkable things he was able to accomplish in his first term that you may not know about, because it’s been actively suppressed. This film does an amazing job setting the record straight on both those fronts.

The truth is that Trump has united a true coalition of people from all races, sexes, sexual orientations, economic statuses, and political leanings across the country who are done with the false, left-right dichotomy and want to save this country from certain destruction. The media has done everything in its power to keep that from you and obfuscate just how popular he is. They’ll tell you his rallies are all Klan meetings full of rednecks. But YouTube is full of videos of curious people looking to prove or disprove that claim by attending his rallies themself, and 9/10 times it ends up being an awakening moment where they realize just how much they’ve been lied to! MAGA is full of former democrats of all walks of life, it does not go in the other direction for a reason.

There’s now the MAHA (Make America Healthy Again) movement, led by high profile lifelong democrat turned MAGA, RFK Jr.. Alongside him are a true coalition of free-thinking, truth telling, former Democrats turned advocates for freedom like Tulsi Gabbard, Elon Musk and Russell Brand… people you’ve likely been told to hate, or told that they’re “crazy”. Each has had to pay a high price to speak out against tyranny and come out for Trump, this is how the establishment machine works. RFK Jr. had his original campaign for President completely sabotaged and his voice suppressed through government sanctioned, online censorship. Tulsi was placed on a domestic terrorist, no-fly watch list the day after speaking out against the Biden administration at a CPAC event. Russell Brand was targeted with an orchestrated attack of phony sexual assault allegations followed immediately by an attempt to de-platform and silence him by the UK Parliament. But leaders like them are about to completely redesign the administrative state to eliminate corruption in so many ways, closing these rotating doors between federal regulatory agencies and board seats at the very corporations they’re supposed to be regulating. It all has to stop. This is the kind of action we desperately need that will never come from a Harris administration, because they’re completely captured by the establishment and everyone knows it. Even the leader of BLM in Rhode island has endorsed Trump. Not to mention artists like Chief Keef, Kodak Black, Snoop Dogg, 50 Cent, Amber Rose and Waka Flocka Flame (to name a few) are all on board. This is the REAL unity ticket.

Kamala Harris represents the unification of the establishment. The party of war, destruction of our nations sovereignty and borders, devaluation of our dollar, endless taxation, blatant censorship and violation of our constitutional rights, and the death of democracy. Her mere presence on the ticket demonstrates just how little her party, the ones who breathlessly scream about the preservation of “our democracy”, actually care about democracy. It’s all empty platitudes and lip service that doesn’t stand up to the most basic-level, honest scrutiny. She never got a single primary vote for God’s sake! She’s the fakest, most pandering, loathsome phony of a politician I’ve ever seen. Her entire platform has zero substantive policy and is all based around Orange Man Bad claims that are almost all lies. They say Trump will “ban abortion”, an outright lie. Abortion is back to a state-level decision and that’s where it will stay as the constitution dictates. When you know they’re lies and you watch them lie, knowing that they know they’re lying, it’s so difficult to watch. 

Everything the current administration fear mongers about what a 2nd Trump administration will look like are all things they’re literally guilty of doing right now. These are the true fascists. The type to utilize NGOs to pressure social media companies the censor American citizens for sharing information on the pandemic that they knew to be true! But because they thought it would foment distrust in the gov’t, they invented the term “malformation” to label and silence it. It’s unacceptable. Silencing what they know to be truth when it makes them look bad, playing the arbiter of truth when they’re driven entirely by a political agenda, cannot be allowed in a “free” society. They’ve been weaponizing the justice system for 4 years while they fear monger about Trump weaponizing the justice system. There’s still people from the January 6th riots in prison who’ve yet to receive a trial. They claim Trump’s agenda is Project 2025, a think tank proposal he has nothing to do with and has denounced. They say “Trump is going to lock up his political opponents”. Meanwhile, they lock up Trump’s allies like Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro on bogus charges and Joe Biden goes on camera saying “We have to lock Trump up“. They cry out in pain as they strike you. It’s all pure projection and the worst kind of hypocrisy. If you want to know Trump’s real agenda and policy plans it’s all laid out here on Agenda 47.

I would urge you to follow your heart if deep inside you feel like I might be right about any of this. The anti-trump hate programming out there is thick, and it’s been pushed so hard it’s difficult for many to overcome. This is for those of you who are ready to hear it, still capable of critical thinking. This plea is for you. It’s time for us to let go of the hate. Join the REAL party of love, it’s called MAGA. And everyone is invited, despite what you’ve been told. Find out for yourself. We’re at a crossroads between prosperity or dystopia. It’s imperative you make the right decision, for yourself and for our children. 

- Adrian P. // 10.30.24

Darkness By Design: Part 1 // Baalenciaga

RISE’s first documentary film released by DauntlessDialogue.com is now available in full on Rumble! Originally released July 30th 2024 on their brilliant, subscription-based platform, only available to its subscribers. We’re now proud to share our work with the world via Dauntless’ channel on Rumble, the internet’s leading free-speech streaming service. 

Written by Ryan DeLarme (Badlands Media and Vigilant News) and RISE Attire. We dove deep into the history of Balenciaga, from how it started to where it’s at, to get to the heart of the philosophy and tactics behind the evil that’s poisoned this once elegant and prestigious brand. Once you’ve seen it, it can’t be unseen. 

In researching and producing this film (and in watching it), we begin to understand the true goals and motivations of the minds driving Baalenciaga in its modern form. What could possess a billion dollar company to release ad campaigns that glamorize child abuse? It seems insane, until you learn who they truly are. When people show you what they’re really about, believe them. You just have to learn how to read their signs. 

Darkness By Design: Part 1 // Baalenciaga // RISE Attire

This is only part 1 of a series where we’ll be diving into and exposing the entire high fashion industry, but we’re not stopping there. The cancer has spread into the entire cultural sphere including music and art. We’re going to find out who’s responsible and what we can do to stop them. Stay tuned and please, if you appreciate the work being done here and on Dauntless Dialogue’s platform (ran by the amazing filmmaker and human being Adam Riva, the man behind the new FLYNN film and Time of Deceit), consider subscribing. It’s only $9 a month and worth every penny. There’s even a Roku app where you can stream the absolute highest production quality, conspiracy-based documentary films in the world right now. RISE also has other films for Dauntless in the works too that departs from the dark stuff and takes us into the light. We can’t wait to show you. Stay tuned!

Check out the film in full here...

Response to ‘Empire of Lies’

[EDITORS NOTE]: I take back everything I said here that’s positive about Tyson James. F*ck him. He’s shown us his true colors and he’s now officially the kind of guy I talk about in this article… “Defeatists disguised as soldiers”. Accept I’d take it a step further and say he’s more like a fake, “take a free ride on the MAGA train-to-fame then stab the conductor in the back before you get off”-type grifter disguised as a soldier, now. Let’s just say there’s a REASON why he’s still on YouTube and streams with a giant YouTube sign behind him in his studio. He’s now fine with making his career about being anti gay while turning his followers against the only man who can actually do something to stop the global communist satanic LGBTQP+++ agenda from the top down. I took it personally when he turned on Trump, clearly. F*ck him. But the article is still important and relevant. Just ignore the moments where I separate Tyson from the kind of guy I’m talking about. Okay [EDIT OVER]

A country is not its government, or its small minority of people with a monopoly on media and systems of control. A country is its people, and its cultures. I understand the importance of accountability when it comes to the sins of the modern world to an extent, but I certainly wouldn’t go so far as to identify with our enslavers, or with any of these “woke” sheep for that matter. If you’re based and you’re fighting for truth in the culture war (like Tyson is), then you are not them. It’s important to make that distinction, fam. YOU are not kicking God out of everything, THEY are kicking God out of everything, but God is coming back. I f*ck with Tyson James. I love his music, it’s featured several times in our #TRUTHMUSIC playlist/blog post, and I feel where he’s coming from… but semantics are important. Let’s be honest, THEY would LOVE for the good people of this country to take on the burden of their atrocities as if it were our own, be it out of humility or sheer guilt, only to welcome in our own self-destruction in the process. Don’t forget, it was MAN who decided what stayed in the bible and what didn’t, not God, and the cabal has been at this for a very long time. I’m not entirely convinced there aren’t things in Revelations that are less of a prophecy and more of some kind of self-fulfilling psy-op designed to disarm good Christian men who would otherwise be fighting but instead just lay down their arms and accept the anti-christ/New World Order because… well, you know… “it was written”. I see it all the time. Defeatists disguised as soldiers. No, Tyson James is not one of them, in case you’re wondering. But they’re everywhere on social media, and their numbers are only growing as things get crazier, which makes this that much more pressing. If we do not muster the courage to stand tall and distinguish ourselves as patriots from those seeking to destroy all that God created here on earth, then we don’t stand a chance. We’re dealing with masters of manipulation, and we NEED to draw a line in the sand if we’re to win the war. If we consider ourselves the enemy, or if we resign ourselves to the notion that it’s all over, then it is and we are. But it’s still a choice, at least for now. I don’t know bout y’all but I’m not about to lay down and let them win unchallenged, all because of what it says in Revelations. Know thine enemy, frens. That’s the only way to destroy them. And if you’re on the side of truth and God, then as far as I’m concerned you’re not among their ranks.

THEY are not us… In fact, I’m not sure THEY are even human, frfr. But that’s a whole other discussion.

Do not make peace with evil. Destroy it. Ain’t that right @Trad_West?…




Sup everyone! Did you know RISE Attire has a YouTube? Yeah, I know I know… YouTube sucks. But, there is one thing it’s good for… music. I’ve been sifting through all the garbage, compiling a playlist of all my favorite music coming from the truth movement right now, for your listening pleasure. I’m adding new selections to this all the time so check back in anytime you wanna catch something new. Pop it on and turn it up, let’s GO!

If you’ve got any suggestions for the playlist drop them in the comments below!


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